Building your Peaceful Zone

I learned a while back that one way to deal with anxiety is to have a place at your home where you can be certain there is peace.

Having a place where you can be to reflect on your situation that might be causing you stress or hardship can go a long way in helping you. At first I was reluctant to believe this was that simple so I resisted doing it for a couple years.

I had a moment though where I was seeing for the first time that I was not enjoying being home. It wasn’t a joyful experience. It was holding me back. I decided to do something about it.

What i was looking for was the typical setup of a patio area with a fountain and built in seats. I also wanted a seasonal pit where I could have plants during the summer and a fire during the winter.

I was referred by friend of a company who did work in this area. You can see some of his work here.

Sam was wonderful to work with and drew up what he could do in my backyard to match what I was looking for. I got him started right away.

After a couple weeks it was finished and it was fantastic. I was a complete believer now in having a place to help ease anxiety and think clearly.

I love to sit out there and listen to the water trickle down the stones. Feel the wind blow and the chimes ring. The benches are perfect size where you can lean or put your legs up.

It is my favorite place to hang out now and read a book.

So if you were like me and didn’t believe it……Believe it. It will do wonders for you and you will never regret it.

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